Praying for one another
Zachary, your post inspired a new blog that is probably overdue. As we are building a strong community of like-minded believers here at memverse, it would be great if we could uphold each other in prayer, praying for special needs and events in each other's lives as people feel free to share. The Scriptures we are memorizing are full of promises of God answering our prayers, as well as testimony of a prayer-answering God who did move often in response to the prayers of His people.
Zachary, thanks for sharing about your dog, Ginger. I will pray for you and your family during this difficult trial. I will also petition God for the safe return of Ginger if it is in His all-knowing, all-loving, perfect will. I twice had our family dog (different dogs a few years apart) run away when I was young growing up in Indonesia. One was gone for a couple of weeks and we have strong reason to believe was stolen and tied up, but managed to escape after losing a lot of weight. The other just returned after almost a week and acted like nothing had happened. I know of others whose pet never returned. May God encourage you through this challenge.
I ask the memverse family to pray for me as I am facing a lot of big changes coming soon, as I plan, Lord willing, in the next 6 months to get married to a wonderful girl God sent me to. I also plan, Lord willing, to walk away from a 22-year career as a math teacher to be able to focus more directly and passionately on the spreading of Scripture. There is a lot up in the air as to what exactly that will look like. It is very exciting and a little scary all at the same time.
May we lift each other up in prayer before our all-powerful Father in heaven and watch Him answer and work in our lives. What can we pray for in your life?
Postscript (River La Belle): Thomas Watson has said, "When we pray for those things which are absolutely necessary to the glory of God or to our own salvation, we can pray fervently and persistently. But when we pray for those mercies or comforts upon which our salvation or His glory does not depend, then we must learn to couch our petitions in submissive resignation to His will and wisdom." Excellent. I just thought that we should all keep this in mind as we share our requests.

37 responses to Praying for one another
I have so many things that are in my heart right now! Along with what Courtney said, one of the most important things to pray for is my great-aunt, she had open heart surgery a few weeks ago. She is recovering well but still needs prayer. Also, pray for my grandpa who has had four surgeries and as a result of that is incontinent. One more thing - pray for me, that I would be able to release my debut piano album within the next couple of months, hopefully in early April. It is hard to find time to work on it with such a busy schedule!
I ask for prayer for my mom. She was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in August, 2003.
MS is an autoimmune disease, meaning the body attacks itself; in this case, it attacks the sheath covering your veins (it's called myelin).
Several symptoms are: intense sharp pains at, sometimes, even the slightest touches; tight squeezing sensations; temporary blurred or black vision; constant numbness in fingers and toes; loss of balance; lack of emotional control; intolerance of all excessive noise; constant extreme fatigue; and many others.
I believe there are four types of MS. My mom was diagnosed with relapse-remitting MS, which means the symptoms only surface now and then. The other kinds are much worse. At least one of them, progressive MS, is fatal. So we are extremely grateful to God that she doesn't have any of the other types and that she is still able to homeschool all seven of her children (ages 5-15).
My point is: my mom is having her (sixth) relapse right now. My dad is a pastor and so he usually works at his office at the church, but since she is not doing well, he has had to work from home while helping seven rowdy kids do their school……not good for his work. :\ Please pray for him as well, that he will be able to help the kids and not get irritated, and still get all his work done. Pray for the kids to respect my mom, and be quiet, compliant, and submissive, especially in her present condition.
She just finished her IV therapy on the 23rd; she was taking steroids to speed up the relapse so it will be very intense over a shorter period of time, instead of not-so-intense over a longer period. Please pray that they will be very effective and the relapse will be done within a few weeks. :`(
Thank you for taking the time to read my long request. May our God grant your prayers to be effectual, both for my mom and for all the others. James 5:16. Thank you so, so, so much, my dear family in Christ!!! I cannot express it in words.
God bless you with all the riches of his grace and mercy through our loving Savior, Jesus Christ,
River La Belle
Thank you, Phil, for this. I will be praying for my brothers and sisters on memverse.
And I will add my own:
My oldest daughter is not married and just found out she's expecting a baby.
Ps 127:3 Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.
So, this little life is my grandchild, but I pray my daughter, Heather, and her boyfriend, John, would choose marriage and I pray for God's hand to touch their hearts that she would return to the faith of her childhood and that he would "be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." 1 Tim 2:4
My second daughter, Rebecca, is living with her boyfriend, Jason, but he phoned us two weeks ago and asked for permission to marry her. We praise God that he is a wonderful young man and, again, our prayer for them is that they would dedicate their lives wholly to Jesus.
My son, Michael, is sitting on the fence right now. And struggling with God's purpose for his life. He needs direction.
My prayer for my children is that they would be bondservants for Jesus. It breaks my heart that they are not serving Him the way I see those here on memverse are. I thank you so much that your prayers will be added to mine as I cry out daily for their futures.
Also my aging parents, Roy & Jean, both turning 88 this year, healthy in body, but not saved. They grew up in nominal Christian homes, typical of the years between the two World Wars, but have no faith in the God who died for our sins. We have spoken to them, but their hearts are hard, especially my mother. Don't get me wrong, they love me and are "good people"... sometimes the hardest kind to reach.
Where do I end? For I am the youngest of three and none are serving Jesus. My heart cries out for all. (btw, my brother's name is also Phil :))
God bless you. I feel like my prayers are so insignificant compared to the cries of loving children for the health of their mothers; but my cry is for the souls of my children.... so I guess that's God's cry too, isn't it? Thank you, everyone.
That really touched my heart, Laurel. Actually, in my opinion, your request is much more important than mine. My request was simply for one body, but your request is for the eternal salvation of several souls! I will be praying earnestly for the salvation of those seven people in your family. Praise God that you are one of his elect, and possibly the only source of light to your whole family!!! May he use the Holy Spirit through you to effect their conversion. …
Thank you, Josiah.
We are all praying for you too, Phil!! God bless!
I can already tell that this blog post will be an unimaginable blessing to all concerned. :) Thank you, Phil.
I am praying, too...
I have unsaved family members as well - all three of my uncles on my mother's side are not saved. We do not live close to them, so it is very hard to share the love of Christ with them. Pray that they would know the Lord.
Just in case some of you have prayer requests that you don't feel comfortable sharing publicly, I have a section on my blog where you can anonymously submit prayer requests that will be sent directly to my inbox.
Veto this, Dakota, if you don't like it.
Also, if you send Dakota prayer requests anonymously, I think it would be helpful to designate whether you are from Memverse or not; that way if/when Dakota puts it up here (because you said you were from Memverse), you can see the responses and be encouraged.
Does that sit well with you, Dakota?
That sounds great, River! Good idea!
As a note to anybody who wants to submit anonymous requests, just let me know if you rather it not be published on here.
Here's my prayer request:
I went to the doctor about 5 days ago with really bad sinus problems and they put me on several different medications and referred me to an Ear Nose and Throat Specialist, who I'll be seeing early next week. I figured the meds they gave me would fix the problem, because it was pretty much the same package of stuff that had proven so effective for me in the past. Well, apparently it wasn't working this time because I woke up around 3:45 last night with terrible pain in my face and mouth (I get that from time to time when my sinuses are bad) and, since regular pain medicine (Ibuprofen and Tylenol) didn't seem to cut it as usual, we loaded up and went to the hospital.
The doctor was amazed that I was still getting worse after being on all the best medications, but she decided to go ahead swap out a couple of those prescriptions for others she thought might work better for me. She also gave me an IV of antibiotic, wrote me a prescription for stronger pain medicine (Thanks to prayer, I haven't had to take any of it since we left the hospital), told me to take Mucinex and use a saline nasal spray. They also did a CT scan of my face and said I should take a copy of it to the ENT. After about six hours at the hospital, we were able to come home and I've been catching up on some much-needed sleep for much of the time since.
Anyway, I would much appreciate any prayers you could fit me into. I've not felt 100% well for about 2 weeks, and I'd really like to get over this a soon as possible.
i don't know if you saw my earlier comment on the blog post, "New MemVerse Blog", but our dog, Ginger, has been FOUND!!! We are overjoyed to have our Shih Tzu back.
What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them,does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? "And when the sheep is found, it is layed on his shoulders, rejoicing. "And when he comes home, he calls friends and neighbors, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!' -- Luke 15:3-6
Thank you for all your prayers.
I assume she traveled nearly 2 miles. She started going east away from the house, then ended up ~1 mile away from our house. The neighbor who called us saw the ad in the papers, and finding it matches the name tag, called us. She found her cats fussing around her under her vehichle.
We got her cleaned up and checked her in with the vet, and all is well. PRAISE THE LORD!!!
Please pray for my cousin. He was rideing on a golf cart when it tipped over and he got stuck on the golf cart and it fell on his foot. It is really tough time for him and his family beacause he is only five.
What is his name, Kyle? I am praying.
Father, I pray that you would let your healing hand rest on Kyle's cousin, and that you would restore his foot to its healthy state. Be with his family and let them see your will in all of this, as you draw them close to you. Please let there be no lasting effects on this boy's foot, but only the effects of faith and hope in the lives of his family. I pray this in the name of your Son, our Savior, through whom only we come, Amen.
Mr. Walker's NT devotional for today is very fitting for your request, Kyle:
MARK 5:34 ~ He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."
What a beautiful example of the healing power in Jesus. The woman knew who had the power and fully trusted that contact with Jesus would heal her.
Today we have all sorts of medicine, technology, and expertise to assist in healing us. Even as we, in wisdom, use and enjoy these benefits, let us first and foremost trust Jesus, the Great Physician, with all of our sickness, trials, and suffering. Let us praise Him as the creator and sustainer of our "fearfully and wonderfully made" bodies.
Wow, Kyle! That must have been very traumatizing (SP?)! Will be praying.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. --- Isaiah 43:2
Oh--by the way-- Our family has been with a cold for a while now, plus I have been inflicted with pinkeye in both eyes. Though it is nothing serious, prayers would be welcomed.
Somebody recently contacted me and is interested in using one of my nature photos as the artwork for their upcoming CD. I would really like this deal to go through, but I also want to make sure that everything stays within the will of God.I would greatly appreciate your guys' prayers.
That's great, Dakota! Absolutely.
We are going through a sore throat/runny nose phase. No fun. It would be great if you all could pray for us. Thank you!
My mom is doing much better. She is still weak and easily fatigued, but she is doing much better now. People from our church are being a huge blessing by bringing us lots of meals. Thank you all for your prayers!
There's a cool thing about prayer that everyone should know: It works. =)
Hey everyone!
I move that we all pray that 1JOHN is chosen (the book already has been chosen--but we can still pray) for the book of the Bible in which we are going to do an in-depth study for the Bible Bee! What a blessing that would be!!
Thanks for asking, River. Things are definitely looking good, but nothing will be set in stone until the CD's release date gets a bit closer (mid-summer, perhaps). Still praying for God's will!
I also have a prayer request related to ongoing health issues. I have been told that I will need a liver transplant, and I go tomorrow to see the transplant doctor to start getting put on the waiting list. I also have a blog I will be keeping updated:
Previous poster:
You should (unless you purposely haven't) go to Account -> Profile in order to give yourself a name for the purpose of identification on the site. That way it will be much easier to carry on a conversation. :)
I will be praying for you! I don't have complete Internet access, or else I would be keeping posted on your blog!
May mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you, (Jude 2)
Previous poster - I'm also praying for you. Thanks for the link. BTW: It used to be Profile -> Profile, but it is now Account -> Profile.
I was wondering if you guys could pray for a friend of mine, i met her a my swim team and she is not a believer well she said it is hard to understand God but sience easyer to understand. She has really been on my mind latly.
I wanted to ask you guys if you could pray for the mission trip I am going on and the training I am going to be having to go on the mission trip. I am only twelve so this is a really rare opportunity that the church I go to is letting me have.
If you could pray that the mission and the training would go well that would be great!
Please pray for my right wrist as I broke it a week ago and i want it to heal quickly so i can go back to swim practices and meets.
Please pray for my family, and especially my mom, because God has sent another precious child to join our family of 7 children. Pray that the baby will stay healthy through the pregnancy and that there will be no problems, and especially, that I will be able to help her through this uncomfortable time!
I hope everything works out for you, Phil, and I will be praying for you, and for Zachary's dog!
Thanks for the great idea of prayer, we all need it in this sinful world! :)