Announcing the Memverse Referral Competition
As we all know, the start of a new year is a great time for resolution making and it is a great time to refer people to Memverse. We are going to run a competition from now until Easter, April 24th 2011. The more people you refer to Memverse, the more chance you will have of winning one of the three prizes:
- A Silver New Beginnings Pendant
- The $100,000 Word by Daniel Staddon
- A $25 Amazon gift certificate
The winners will be chosen randomly from the Referral leaderboard but the higher your referral score, the more chance you will have of being chosen. If you have a score twice as high as someone else you will have twice as much chance of being chosen. Three people will win and the one with the highest score will get to pick their prize. The second highest score will pick next and the third highest will get the remaining prize.
I'm hoping that people will be creative in finding ways to refer people. Feel free to post links on your Facebook page, post a flyer in your church, email people you know, add a link from your blog, buy Google Adwords (there are lots of free coupons available on the web). Remember to use your referral link to make it easy to get credit. However, please do not spam people and give Memverse a bad reputation. Targeting a few influential people who have a passion for memorizing will be much more effective.
Remember that you will also benefit from the people they refer so the sooner you start the better.

67 responses to Announcing the Memverse Referral Competition
Maybe I could do it...? I probably could make a flyer, but a little more detail on the information it would include would be helpful. Thanks!
Sounds like a great contest. Thank you for putting it together.
River, I have been thinking about a flyer, too.
It would be good if Memverse had "3 points" or something. If Andy provides some information/guidelines, anyone who wanted could give it a try. Andy could post several different versions of the flyer which could be printed off the website here. Happy new year!
I would also be willing to work on a flyer. I have Adobe Photoshop Elements, which is really great for designing stuff like that.
I would love some of you guys to design a flyer and I'll happily host it on the website so people can download it and print it out. If someone wants to post an early version and get feedback that would work as well.
I was just wondering what the history of Memverse is? How did it start? Who started it? Phil Walker?
Nathan - good question. To my understanding, Andy started and continues to develop MemVerse and Mr. Phil Walker could well be called the top promoter. I was indirectly referred by him. He has organized quite a few projects and does the newsletter, too.
I just finished designing a draft-version of a flyer suitable for church bulletins and such. I welcome any suggestions, corrections, etc.
Please note that the version on the web presents the image very roughly. If you want to see it in full resolution, you can download it to your PC and view it in Adobe Reader as it is saved in a PDF format.
That looks awesome, Dakota! Great job. I don't have any other comments at this point. Maybe I'll think of something later. Thank you. EDIT: You might mention that multiple Bible versions are supported.
It turns out I had a little bit of time before we left, so I went ahead and added that about having multiple translations. You can check it out by clicking the same link from earlier.
Dakota, that is awesome. Thanks a ton for doing that - I'll post it up in the volunteer section when I get a chance.
Wow, wonderful! But how/where is the place to put the "
" ?????
Suggestion for everyone: print at least one of Dakota's wonderful fliers for MemVerse and take it to church. Let's spread the word!
(Zachary, you can email people about MemVerse and put the link in the email. If you have a website, you could post it there. If people sign up through your link, you get the credit for the referral.)
Dakota - thank you sooo much for that flyer! I had been trying lots of different ways to refer, but none of them as good as this one. It draws people to look at it, it promotes all of the most wonderful things about MemVerse that I can think of, and it is right to the point!
I am looking forward to seeing the effects of this flyer when I give it to my friends (especially because I am pretty shy when it comes to persuasion)!
Will the points people have already gotten count? I will have to work much harder if they do!
EDIT: Just wondering. :)
Yep - they count. But it's still very open because no one has that many points (except Phil Walker and he has kindly agreed to not be part of the competition.
I have refered several more people this week and they say they have signed up through my link but they do not appear through my referals. Even with the personalized referal link do they have to say in their profile that I refered them?
Could you please check if the referal links are connected properly?
Thank you very much!
Marie Ann - That is strange. I have had several people sign-up through my link. Could you post here the link you have been sharing so we can see? Thanks! (By the way: for the people who already signed up that you didn't get credit for, you can still ask them to login, go to Profile | Referrals, then click on "set referrer" and enter your name. Of course, it is easier when they use the link.)
Marie Ann - the only thing I can think of is that somehow your link was like this: - where it has the referrer information in the link text but not the actual link. Maybe it has to do with how you gave them the link. I don't know if some IM programs, social networking, etc., would take out the ?referrer part of the link. But that still doesn't explain why one of your friends said the link didn't work at all...
It's quite a mystery to me!
Mare Ann - I'm also not sure what could be causing the problem. Were you sending the link out via email or is it on the web somewhere?
I came onto here with Marie Ann as my referrer, and it doesn't give me the option to select her on the referral page- when I search with her log-in name, e-mail address, or real name, it doesn't show anything except the search box. The link worked for me, but did not automatically set her as my referrer. Hope this helps. :-)
Hannah - The search box operates without hitting the enter/return key. Actually, if you hit it (like I did when I first tried), it doesn't seem to perform the search. Let us know what happens. Thank you.
ATTN: Not sure what's going on with the links. I logged out, pasted Marie Ann's link into my browser, created a new MemVerse account with a different email address (username: alextest), and when I went to the Referrals page, Marie Ann's name wasn't there. I don't know if it is just her account, or everyone who is having this issue. I didn't want to create several extra MemVerse accounts, so I didn't try using my link to create a test account. Thank you!
Marie, Hi. I'm sure they will get the referral situation worked out soon. At the pace you are going, it looks like I may soon have company at the top of that leaderboard :) I just saw that you finally got some of your verses listed as memorized. I know it can seem like forever for that to happen at first. It will be wonderful when you do make another quiz to have your entries go straight through. May God richly bless you through His Word and in your efforts to get others excited about Him and His powerful Scriptures for us.
Marie Ann - can you forward the email you were sending out to '' and I'll look into it.
Thanks Marie Ann for alerting me to the problem with the referral link. We're still doing some more testing but I think it should be working now.
I don't know if it is too late, or what, but some constructive criticism about the flyer.
I love it, Dakota--thank you so much for making it up--but two things: In my humble opinion, I think you should put dashes between 'easy to use' (easy-to-use) because is it is a phrasal word, and because it will stand out on the flyer. Also, I suggest that you change the 'but' at the end to an 'and' ("few minutes to sign up, and the benefits will last a lifetime.") That way people don't get the impression that signing up is a bear. (At least I don't think it is!!)
Let me know what you think. Otherwise, I thought it was great!!!
Thanks for pointing out the grammatical error. I've changed it (adding the dashes) and updated the above link, so I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think. I opted to leave the last sentence the way it was because I was really shooting for a heavy contrast between the short amount of time it takes to sign up and the long amount of time that you benefit from doing so.
In Christ,
Hello fellow memverse users,
I just wanted to point out that although Memverse has seen a sharp increase in active users in the past couple of weeks (Don't get me wrong, that is awesome!) we are slowly leveling out, and today we saw a fairly large drop in active users. Let's change that, guys! I say we should have 1,000 active Memverse users by the end of the year, if we keep on referring like we have been. (Or maybe I should say "you have been"; I have no active referrals right now. :( ) It would be just great to have a thousand people memorizing the word of God on Memverse! Are you with me?
I'm with you, Matthew and praying and wholeheartedly working towards 1,000 active Indonesian memverse users by the end of 2011. It would be cool to also have 1,000 non-Indonesian users as well for a, Lord willing, 2,000 total! May God get all the glory as we use memverse to draw people to a richer knowledge and love of their Savior and His precious Word.
Wow Phil, your goals are high! Which is good. :)
And I agree with you, that God should get ALL of the glory.
Amen, Matthew!
EDIT: @ Alex Watt. I encountered some trouble w/ this. The webpage is for them to log in to, not sign up on. :( Help, please?
Zachary - I know what you mean. Once they get to that main page, they have to click register and it should work fine. :)
But I don't see a register button--I only see these:
Learn More -->
Top 100 Memory Verses -->
Try the Demo -->
Sign Up -->
Blog -->
when I go to . And when they click "Sign Up -->", it automatically goes away from and goes to the normal sign up link. And when I tried that with my Dad, it did not work, we had to go to "Profile>Refferals" and add me as the refferer. Am I doing something wrong? I sort of feel like I'm pestering them in the e-mail when I ask them to add me as the refferer. Should I just ask them anyway?
Zachary - I meant the Sign Up --> link. Other people have reported issues with the referral thing. We'll have to see what's up with it. Andy or I will get back to you later. Thank you.
The referral link should be working now.
When someone follows a link with "referrer=Z-man" it will store "Z-man" in something called a session variable which persists from page to page. Once they register, the session variable will be added as the referrer.
o man, i bet i'm not getting any of those prizes i didn't know about this and i only have one referral
Marie - the winner will be announced some time Tuesday. I won't be participating and neither will Phil Walker. We'll announce the winners on Tuesday. We'll announce them on the blog and will contact the three winners directly as well.
Hi everyone:
The winners are 1) Marie Morris, 2) Andrea Joy, 3) Josiah de Graaf
I'll contact you all individually. Marie will get to pick her prize first, then Andrea, then Josiah.
The entire referral board went into the draw (except for me and Phil). Thanks to everyone who participated. We'll almost certainly have another competition soon. And there's a good chance it will favor those who keep on referring :)
Congratulations to everyone for spreading the word on this awesome website! It is so exciting to see new names and groups on here and dream about the potential powerful impact the Scripture and the true Biblical God could be having in their lives and/or the life of their group. May God continue to use memverse more and more for His glory!
I'm not sure if this is because other people haven't picked their prizes yet or if there is a problem, but I thought I should mention that I haven't gotten any emails from Andy about this yet...
Congrats! I think we should do this again! Annually would be nice. Unfortunately, I didn't see this until it was too late. Good job everybody!
I assume it's the same answer but I'm just making sure again: I assume that I haven't gotten any emails yet because Andrea hasn't picked her prize yet?
Josiah - I just got back from two weeks of vacation and am working through the mountain of email. I will get it all sorted out soon. Sorry for the wait!
Just a quick Question about referrals:
I need at least 2 referrals to move to the next level but on the referral leader board my referral score is listed as 5.0. Is there a way to see if my account is missing something.
(Yes. I went to my dashboard and everything I know how to do on this end about referrals) :)
Marie - You say you went to your Dashboard - can you try visiting it once more? If you're still having an issue with it after that, then Andy should be able to look into it soon. Thanks.
Andy, I believe I have spoken to you about this before--
Do you think you could make up a printable flyer for us to post at our church or hand out to people? That would greatly facilitate our 'evangelization.' Maybe you could delegate it to someone (sorry, Alex!) and give him/her the information that you think would be to include, and let that person design it. That would be very helpful, indeed. Thank you, both for listening, and for the inspiring post.