2012 Bible Bee Live Quizzes
** Please see end of post for future quiz dates. **
Are you ready for some friendly competition? We sure hope so. This summer we'll again be hosting live online quizzes for the Bible Bee, which will include the following features:
- Recitation, reference, and multiple choice questions (all automatically scored -- recitation and reference questions in your preferred version)
- Opportunity to talk with the other contestants (you'll be encouraged)
- Mini Scoreboard that updates after each question (for a little competition)
- Roster of all contestants present (so you know who else is there)
We hope you can join us!
Here's what to do to get ready:
- Study your material...
- Sign up for a free Memverse account if you don't already have one...
- Update your browser for an optimal experience...
- Mark your calendar...
- And click here on the day of the quiz to go to the "room"!
We're so excited and pray you all have a great time in the Word this summer! We'll be updating this post with more dates and times for future quizzes, so stay tuned. And please, invite your Bible Bee friends to join us!
Update: Finale Quiz is Friday, August 24, at 4:00 p.m. EDT; and we need your help building it...

173 responses to 2012 Bible Bee Live Quizzes
Oh, I can't wait! June 29 isn't to far away, which is good...because I'm SO excited about doing "Friday Quizzes" again :)
Thanks for all your work on this, Alex! I really appreciate it.
I'll be away so I can't make the first quiz. :( But I'm really excited to be doing them again! Thank you Alex!
Yay! I am looking forward to them!!! :D thanks for all the hard work you've put into these quizzes !
Rachel - Update: As Andy says below, it's best to avoid IE. I don't know how I could forget that :)
Marie - Thanks for asking, but it's all automatic.
Aidan - You'll see on the 29th. We'll have a spot for you to click to go to the quiz room.
I've never done these before, but maybe this will be my first year =)
I'll need to study hard, tho'!
Google Chrome or Firefox will almost always work better than Internet Explorer. Please note that we will soon be dropping support for IE8. If you are using Internet Explorer, please make sure you upgrade to IE9.
Oh, I'll be in Chicago then! :(
EDIT: For some reason, IE won't let me access Memverse. In general I prefer Firefox over IE.
Marking my calendar now! Can't wait! How long do they usually take? My account logs me off at 5 and I want to be able to do it! Thanks so much for doing this! Can't wait!
Guess I'd better ask my dad about updating our browser...since I definitely want it to work for the quiz. We've always used IE, but I guess its time for a change!
IE7 is highly unlikely to work. Actually, I would be surprised if most of the features on Memverse weren't broken in IE7 since that browser is 6 years old now and is incompatible with most of the modern web standards.
Even IE8 does not support many of the more modern browser features. We have some patches that help IE8 work a bit better but we'd prefer to drop support for it as soon as possible as it just means a slower experience for everyone else.
Unfortunately, the quizzes being held on Fridays is kind of bad for me, because my piano teacher comes every other week at/after 2 CDT (3 EDT) and stays for an hour. I'll try to make it though!
Is it at 4:00 Central Time Zone or does Memverse automatically put the time in as the time zone we are in? Hope I can make it.
YEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've finally memorized my 1,000th verse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D
redemed by god,my birthday is on the 25. i had to do mondays history today and i wrote the date 6/birthday of bethany/10 the ten stands for me being 10
wait bbb stands for bethany balistick birthday
balistick is a word i made up
i am sssssssssssssoooooooooooooooo excited for my party on fridayme and 2 of my frinds will go horseback riding
I AM SO EXCITED!!! I loved the quizzes last year! Thanks for all your work, Alex and those who help with them!!! :D:D:D
Some of our friends are coming over to spend the night Friday, so I might not be able to come. :(
I'm hopeful though! :)
I can't make it!!! :( I am going to Tattoo (Not getting one, it's at the air force base and it's like an early 4th of July celebration.) We leave at 3:30!!!
I have a group of Bible Bee contestants who will be getting together at that time. Can we sign in and do the quiz as a group? (I'll have it posted on the wall using laptop and video projector.) I would like to use this as a way not only for them to practice for the Bible Bee, but to also encourage them to use Memverse. They are using different translations, so we'll have to pick someone to do the recitations, but I thought it would be fun to have the group decide on answers to the quiz. Right or wrong majority answer is posted. Or we could just pick one contestant to play with all others observing. Not having seen previous quizzes, I'm not sure what is best.
Twilah - That's great. I'll give you a few details on the quizzes that might help you decide what would be best: we'll have no more than eight recitation questions (since there's two passages per week and Friday is the end of the fourth week). We give enough time to allow the passage to be typed out at a speed of 24 WPM with 15 extra seconds to think. The rest of the questions will be either what we call reference questions or multiple choice questions. (A reference question is where we give the passage text and the quizzer must enter the passage reference. It's not necessarily a Bible Bee type of question but may help reinforce the link between the reference and the text.) Quizzers have exactly 20 seconds to answer both reference and multiple choice type questions.
You could let the group use your account to do the quiz.
Thanks Alex, that was helpful! Depending on the size of the group (all 172 of our contestants are invited, I expect less than 10 to attend), I will give everyone in the group LETTER paddles for the multiple choice (and enter the selection chosen by the most members of the group) and choose one person (taking turns by passing a baton) to dictate the reference or verse recitation and I'll type for them. That way it is a true group effort, but eliminates the need for changing 'typers' and lower the risk of accidental damage to my laptop. I presume we will need to choose one Bible translation that stays the same throughout the quiz?
I only included all these details in case other hosts may be interested in doing it as a group activity for their non-Memverse-contestants.
As others have said, I really appreciate the effort it takes for you to do this for these young people. God bless you.
Twilah - Yes, currently you have to pick one translation and stick with it for the quiz...
Our family appreciates your work as a host or host assistant; having a Bee with that many contestants must be a lot of work!
Working as fast as we can to fix. Re-run at 4:30 p.m. We know what the problem is. Thanks.
Edit: Please refresh your pages at around 4:27 p.m.
not for me either....says I'm the only quizzer :(
EDIT: got a few chats but nothing else...now it's frozen again
EDIT2: now it's working hopefully
As I just mentioned in the quiz, we're going to reschedule. We'll have more information soon. Sorry that it didn't go as planned. We may ask some of you to help us test some changes for next time to make sure we can handle the load. Thanks!
Alex, thanks for all your work with the Live Quizzes. I will be praying for you and the tech team as you work out the glitches. I praise God for all you and others are doing!
Even though I didn't get to answer any questions last time, thank you so much, Alex and Andy, for the work you put into those quizzes to prepare us for the Bible Bee. They help a lot. :) Hopefully you can figure out how to get them to work better for next time. ;)
It's thankfully not on the leader board so Michigan can PROVE Ohio it is better! :P
No, really, I don't know why it is. Maybe the Alexanders moved to another state, maybe Washington (if Washington was not already #3, was it?), but I highly doubt it, because they would've probably told us so.
Thanks Alex and Andy for all the work you have put in to make the quizzes possible. I really enjoy the quizzes. If there is anything I can do just let me know. I would really like to help.
I'm unsure why Ohio is no longer on the leader board... the only 'legal' way for that to happen is if all the people in it are inactive, but... My quick search to try to figure out the problem brought no results, so Alex or Andy will have to look at it...
@Zachary--No, we have not moved. :) I looked at my profile, and I am still in Ohio, but, even though my 1,000 verses alone would cause Ohio to be at least #21, we are not there at all. Must be some technical glitch. :)
@Alex Watt~ I want to make a little a apology for all of us, for getting impatient at times during the quiz. It wasn't your fault. We'll try to handle it in a more Christ-like manner next time! Thanx again!
And yes, when is our next one scheduled? It's fine if we'll have to wait awhile, because I understand it may be a bit complicated fixing things up.
We're re-running the Bible Bee quiz from last week on this Friday, July 6, at 2:00 p.m. EDT (note time difference). We appreciate the help testing some of our changes. You should use the same link as before.
I too will, Lord willing, be there at 1:00am Jakarta, Indonesia time, right after helping Jacky with feeding Junior, and a few hours before leaving to go pick up my parents at the airport. Looks like sleep will be rare tonight.
Alex, will you change the time on this blog post, or is there another link for people to sign up for this one?
'Disapointement' I hoped I could be in the Quiz today but I have to work. I really enjoyed last year's quizzes, and somehow I have missed all of this year's. I hope you all will have fun today's quiz.
Mr. Walker - Congratulations on Junior!
I will see if I can make it more obvious that the link is the same...
MilesChristiSum - We're planning to have more quizzes; maybe you'll be able to make one yet.
@Jackie Chase- I do believe that Junior is the baby!
@Mr. Walker- Congratulations! I hope you get some sleep in the day!
Philip Karl Metran Walker Jr. was born Sunday, July 1st. He hasn't yet quoted his first verse but we are working on it. When my Dad arrives in a few hours, we will have 3 generations of Walkers together on Indonesian soil (the legend who spent 30 years teaching Hebrew and Greek and spreading the Gospel here; the Scripture enthusiast who hopes to spread a passion for the Bible throughout the 40 Setia schools, and through them and other venues throughout the country (and who hopes - not quite ready to predict - that Indonesia will one day challenge the USA for 1st on the Memverse country chart; and the future hope we are praying will seek God early in life to see what the Almighty has in store for him.)
Why Oh Why isn't there a "LIKE" button on here like there is on Facebook (I'm not on there so don't bother to look if you are)?
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Walker!
I was out all day yesterday, so I was not able to participate in the quiz. :( I hope I'll be able to come next time!
Thanks for all the congratulations. We are praising God and can't wait until Junior starts quoting some of these Scripture songs we are singing.
Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Walker! We'll pray that God will bless your child with the gift of salvation!
Is the "Mnemonic" (type the first letter) feature going to be allowed in the quizzes.
Caleb - No... but we try to give enough time so that somebody typing around 24 WPM should be able to finish the passage in the allotted time.
All - The next quiz is this Friday at 4:00 p.m. EDT.
Aww...I'm disappointed.......I won't be able to make it to the quiz this week because our family will be gone. Hope to make it to the next one though. Have fun!
Will there be a quiz every week? I won't be able to do to tomorrow's quiz because I'll be at the World Choir Games.
I may be late to tomorrow's quiz, but if my dad installs Google Chrome on my computer, hopefully it will work this time. The past two times, I was having some trouble with Firefox.
Leah - At least every other week, if not every week.
Matthew - I thought it was your web protection, not your browser... We actually found an article about how that specific web protection program blocks the tool we use for the quizzes.
Really? I tried the chat (it was open) on Internet Explorer on Saturday, I think, and I could see my own chat, whereas on Firefox I couldn't.
I've been trying to get into the quiz, but nothing's showing up. :( I have Google Chrome, and I participated with no problems last year, so this was unexpected for me. Is anyone else having problems, or is it my computer? Thanks anyway to those who have been working on this! I like the countdown clock feature. :)
Leah, we are curious how the World Chior Games are going. Have you been able to attend a lot of days?
Mr. Walker - The World Choir Games were wonderful! We gave out tracts to thousands of people. We met people from all over the world, especially China, Indonesia, and India. Most of the Indonesians we met hardly knew any English, and they were very excited to get the tracts in Indonesian! Thank you so much for getting those translated! It was such a blessing.
When is the next quiz scheduled? Is it next Friday at 4:00? I need to tell one of my friends, 'cause he ignores the blog and misses the quiz. Goofy.
Sorry for the delay responding. The next quiz is next Friday (not this Friday), July 27 at 4:00 p.m. EDT.
Matthew - We haven't finished adding the questions to the quiz; you'll want to refresh that page about half an hour before the quiz. I was planning to ask everyone to refresh at the appropriate time, but since you asked, now you know :)
Hello, 21 points were not accounted for - no points on Acts 20:18-24 when I got it perfect, and scored 9 when i should have scored 15. My score really is 194. Dunno why. Last quiz was perfect.
My score doesn't matter. I just want to inform Alex of the issue (others had it too) so he can fix it.
There is a slight difference in one of the Bible Bee verses between the way it's written in the verse cards and the way it's on Memverse. In the verse cards (KJV) Acts 20:20 says, "And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shown you..." but on Memverse it says shewed instead of shown. The verse has already been "Verified", so I wasn't able to change it.
I will be there tomorrow! (I hope) ;-)
EDIT: it is tomorrow and I am here! (Not quite quiz time yet though) 3 hr 10 min left still. ;-)
That would mean 3:00 AM India time, which is where your account says you are. :)
If you're not where I think you are, the test is exactly 3 hours, 32 minutes from when I posted this comment.
Rachel - Sorry, but I don't have the scores. If I remember, I'll save them next time and post them in the comments.
~Alex, accidentally posted from Lauren's account
Look at the bottom of this page: http://www.memverse.com/update_profile It should tell you what to do. BTW: @All I still haven't gotten my avatar changed from when I changed my email address. I will try to do it soon. Life is SOO busy! :)
"Life is SOO busy! :)" Same here, Matthew :) My Bible Bee account picture is really bad (I do NOT like it), I just don't have the time right now to switch it.
Maybe I'll be able to fix it, after locals and before we figure out if we qualify :)
@BBB - If you're talking to me....I made a new account for Bible Bee, and I don't really like the picture that got associated with my e-mail address :) It looks like a VERY mean, green monster =D
As info: I scheduled the quiz for today at 4:00 p.m. EDT without carefully checking my calendar. I will not be there, but have updated some code so the quiz should start automatically and on time. The chat should open exactly ten minutes before the quiz and close exactly ten minutes after.
If you have any problems, please report through the "Feedback" tab and we'll try to get back to you.
Have I done something illegal on Memverse? I'm just wondering because my account won't work on the BB quiz. I have tried several various forms of internet Google Chrome and Internet Explorer and also several computers. If I have done something offensive I want to apologize for what I have done and ask forgiveness. Thanks guys.
Uh... Alex, you just might want to know, on the second-to-last question in the quiz, everyone answered D, which was right, but it said the answer was A. Just thought you might want to know...
I answered A.... :)
Can someone please post the scores? I totally forgot what mine was and I'm trying to keep track of them :)
God's Bondslave -- Hmm, don't know why that happened. No, your account is fine.
An Olympic Champion -- Oops :) Thanks for pointing that out.
Rachel -- Here are the scores:
Everett C. 148
AstroLeah 135
Jimmy Waters 135
Kerestel Leonard 134
Alethea 134
hans 134
Luke Griffin 134
Esther Olson 133
Jesus-Paid-It-All (Rachel) 133
Courtney Minica 132
Christ-is-Lord 132
Sarah Eddy 131
Isaac 120
RedeemedByGr8ce 120
Hosanna2theKing! 118
Stump 117
Emily Hamilton 117
Daniel Waters 116
Christiana R 112
runner 104
InSoloChristo 103
Because He First Loved Me (Sarah Frisk BB) 88
Everett 87
BBB ( Bethany Bible Bee) 75
TheMahlans 68
Ian R.2 60
Lighthouse on the Rock 58
Love To Decoupage 45
ChiefOfWretchedMen (OCTSRIS BB) 45
Ben Walley 35
vburk 30
Lauren Watt 30
Sarah B. (Bible Bee) 21
Aaron 0
I would like to ask for prayers for my grandfather. He has alzheimers, and is not doing well. He Isn't expected to make it more than a couple of days.
Finale Bible Bee Quiz is Friday, August 24 at 4:00 p.m. EDT! It's going to be entirely multiple choice questions -- we'll have twenty of them -- but we need your help writing some good, tough questions that can be answered in the allotted time of 30 seconds. The questions should be on 2 Timothy or cross-references. Please submit one question in the form at the top of the page. Thanks!
@Alex - Looking forward to it! Thanks for all your work on the quizzes! I submitted a question - wonder if it's in the first 20 range :)
Thanks to everyone who submitted! We have eight questions so far; if 12 more people want to write a question, go ahead! Otherwise, I'll just write a few more (or more likely I'll copy them from one of the practice tests) to bring the total to 20...
ISC - Don't worry about it. Thanks for submitting one!
COULD BE IMPORTANT: I entered one, but just after I entered it, I realized I forgot to check it. I thought it might be wrong - I'm pretty sure it's right, but if it's wrong, you'll know why. One of the answers is "Wickedness" (I'm not saying whether it's correct/incorrect), so that's the question you'll want to check. I'm so sorry for being hasty. I hope I typed it right!
@Alex, by the way, I also have a strange question about this picture:
Is it copyrighted? I would like to use it on the front cover of a novel I'm writing. If it is ©, then who holds it? If you hold it, may I use it? Any royalties? Thanks for the info (I'm not desperate).
Hi Alex, My family and I are leaving early tomorrow a.m. for the Bible Bee in another state and will be helping set up. So, sadly I won't be able to take the quiz tomorrow..could you please post the test online and I'll read it as soon as I get a chance? Thanks so much! Hannah
Are all the questions on the verse passages or will some be on the Sword Study too? I missed out on the quizzes last year so I can't wait to try them this year. :)
Oh! I really hope I can come! I'll ask my mom. Last year I didn't pay any attention do the blog posts, so I didn't know you were doing them. :) Thank you so much! I can't wait. =)